Is Lavender Oil Safe for Dogs?



Lavender, with its soothing fragrance and calming properties, has long been a favourite in aromatherapy and wellness routines.

But did you know that lavender oil can also be beneficial for your furry friends?

Dog owners are increasingly exploring natural remedies to support their pets’ health and well-being.

When used correctly, lavender oil can be a safe and effective addition to your dog’s care routine. As a dog safe essential oil, it offers multiple benefits, including anxiety relief, pain relief, and pest control.

However, it is important to understand its proper usage to ensure your pet’s safety.

Let’s answer this question below.

What is Lavender Oil?

Lavender oil is an essential oil derived from the lavender plant. Known for its floral fragrance, it contains compounds that have been shown to reduce stress, relieve pain, and promote relaxation in both humans and animals.

For dogs, lavender oil can be used to soothe anxiety, aid sleep, and even ease mild skin irritations. Compared to other essential oils, lavender oil is considered safer for dogs and has specific uses that make it a preferred choice for pet owners.


Is It Safe to Use?

The answer to this question is a bit confusing.

When diluted appropriately, lavender oil is considered safe for most dogs. Undiluted essential oils can be harmful and should never be applied directly to your pet’s skin or ingested1.

Diluting lavender oil with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil or almond oil, helps make it safe for topical application. Always observe your dog for any signs of discomfort or allergic reactions when introducing new treatments.

For this reason, it is important to speak to your veterinarian before use.

Factors in Making Sure Your Dog Can Safely Use Lavender Oil


Ensure that you dilute lavender oil before using it on your dog. A common ratio is one drop of lavender oil mixed with 10-15 drops of carrier oil.

Application Areas

Apply the diluted oil to safe areas, like between your dog’s paw pads or on areas of mild irritation, ensuring it soothes your dog’s skin. Avoid sensitive areas such as the eyes, nose, and ears.


Using a diffuser to diffuse essential oils is an alternative way to let your dog enjoy lavender oil’s benefits, but it is important to be cautious due to potential neurological and respiratory risks. Ensure your dog has the option to move away if they find the scent overwhelming.


Watch for any adverse reactions such as drooling, vomiting, or skin irritation. If these occur, discontinue use immediately and consult your veterinarian.



Choosing the Right Lavender Essential Oil

Look for High-Quality, Pure Lavender Oil

When selecting a lavender essential oil for your dog, it’s crucial to choose a high-quality, pure oil to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Below are some tips to help you make the right choice:

  • Check the label: Look for a label that indicates the oil is 100% pure lavender essential oil, without any additives or fillers. This ensures that you are getting a product that is safe and effective for your dog.
  • Choose a reputable brand: Research the brand and read reviews from other customers to ensure they have a good reputation for producing high-quality essential oils. Brands with positive feedback are more likely to provide a product that is safe for your furry friend.
  • Check the concentration: Make sure the oil is not too concentrated, as this can be overwhelming for your dog’s sensitive sense of smell. A good starting point is 1-2% concentration, which is gentle yet effective.
  • Look for third-party testing: Choose a brand that has third-party testing, such as GC/MS testing, to ensure the oil is free from contaminants and adulterants. This adds an extra layer of assurance that the oil is pure and safe.
  • Consider the source: Choose a brand that sources their lavender from a reputable farm or supplier and uses sustainable and eco-friendly practices. This not only ensures a high-quality product but also supports ethical and sustainable farming practices.

Disclaimer: Remember to always dilute the lavender essential oil with a carrier oil before applying it to your dog’s skin or using it in a diffuser. A general rule of thumb is to use 1-2 drops of lavender essential oil per 1 teaspoon of carrier oil. This ensures that the oil is safe and gentle for your dog’s sensitive skin.

What are the Benefits of Lavender Oil for Dogs?

Reduces Anxiety and Stress

One of the most well-known benefits of lavender oil is its ability to reduce stress and anxiety2. For dogs that suffer from separation anxiety, fear of loud noises, or general nervousness, lavender oil can be an effective natural remedy.

The scent of lavender helps stimulate the nervous system to produce a calming effect, making it easier for your dog to relax in stressful situations. Applying diluted lavender oil to your dog’s neck or using a diffuser in their environment can help alleviate these stress-related behaviours.



Promotes Better Sleep

Just as lavender is commonly used to help humans sleep, it can also benefit dogs who have trouble settling down at night. Lavender oil encourages relaxation and can improve sleep quality3, making it particularly helpful for senior dogs or those with anxiety that disrupts their sleep.

A few drops of diluted lavender oil on their bedding or using a diffuser near their sleeping area can encourage restful and restorative sleep, helping them feel more energised during the day.

Soothes Skin Irritations and Minor Wounds

Lavender oil’s anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties make it an excellent natural solution for soothing skin irritations, such as itchy skin, bug bites, minor wounds, and hot spots4.

When applied topically (always diluted), lavender oil can reduce itching, redness, and swelling, promoting faster healing and preventing infections.

For dogs with sensitive skin or those prone to rashes and allergies, lavender oil can be a gentle and effective treatment.

Supports Pain Relief

Lavender oil can also provide mild pain relief for dogs experiencing discomfort from muscle soreness, joint pain, or even minor injuries. The anti-inflammatory properties of lavender help reduce pain and swelling, while its calming effects can ease tension in muscles5. Massaging diluted lavender oil onto areas where your dog experiences pain can provide a soothing, natural remedy to help them feel more comfortable.

What Should You Be Wary of When It Comes to Lavender Oil?

Although lavender oil is generally safe, there are certain precautions you should keep in mind, including:

Allergic Reactions

Some dogs may be allergic to lavender. Symptoms include itching, swelling, or difficulty breathing. Always introduce lavender oil in small amounts and monitor your pet’s reaction.

Ingestion Risks

Essential oils, including lavender, should not be ingested by dogs as they can be toxic. If your dog consumes lavender oil, seek veterinary attention immediately.

Underlying Health Conditions

Dogs with pre-existing health conditions, such as liver or kidney disease, may be more sensitive to essential oils. Always consult with your vet before starting any new treatment.

How to Use Lavender Oil on Your Furry Friend


  1. Anxiety Relief: Dilute a drop of lavender oil with a carrier oil and gently rub it on the back of your dog’s neck, or use a diffuser in a calm, quiet room.
  2. For Skin Issues: Apply diluted lavender oil to minor skin irritations or insect bites to reduce inflammation and promote healing.
  3. For Calming Baths: Add a drop of lavender oil to your dog’s bath to create a soothing experience.
  4. As a Repellent: Mix lavender oil with water and spray it lightly on your dog’s coat to repel insects naturally.

When using essential oils topically, always consult a professional to avoid potential skin irritation and serious health risks for your pets.


Helping Your Dog Feel at Ease, Naturally

Lavender oil, when used correctly, can offer numerous benefits for your dog, from easing anxiety to soothing irritated skin.

However, as with any natural remedy, it is essential to ensure proper usage to keep your pet safe.

At Fortunate Paws, we believe in using nature’s gifts to promote the health and happiness of our furry pals.

By incorporating natural solutions like lavender oil into your dog’s routine, you can enhance their well-being in a gentle and effective way.

Let’s keep your four-legged friends tails wagging with the power of natural care!

Shop our products today to get started.

Contact us for any further questions regarding our products.


  1. Essential Oil and Liquid Potpourri Poisoning in Dogs | VCA | VCA Animal Hospitals (
  2. The effect of lavender on stress in individuals: A systematic review and meta-analysis - ScienceDirect
  3. The Effect of Lavender on Sleep Quality in Individuals Without Insomnia: A Systematic Review
  4. How to Use Lavender Oil for the Skin - Medical News Today
  5. Impact of Lavender on Pain and Anxiety Levels Associated with Spine Procedures



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